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    • Microsoft’s $2 billion online problem

      財富中文網 2009-08-01 01:17 發現相似文章

      By Adam LashinskyEven with Yahoo deal Microsoft will continue to struggle — and lose money — online.The anti-climatic deal of the year is now out. Lon...

    • Microsoft Office to go online — for free

      財富中文網 2009-07-15 01:36 發現相似文章

      By Jon ForttIt’s too early to say Microsoft has checkmated Google in online documents – the latest version of Office hasn’t shipped yet. But the sleep...

    • Microsoft's new brain

      David Kirkpatrick 2008-02-22 09:15 發現相似文章

      來源:2006年4月號《財富》雜志作者:David KirkpatrickBrutal competition. A stock going nowhere. Microsoft is in crisis, so Bill Gates has unleashed his new hire, soft...

    • Our dollar, China's $2 trillion problem

      Colin Barr 2011-02-15 02:24 發現相似文章

      Could the United States and China be even more co-dependent than we thought?On Wednesday Fed chief Ben Bernanke became the first American official in ...

    • BlackBerry's corporate problem

      Michael V. Copeland 2010-04-08 11:09 發現相似文章

      BlackBerry's rise was tied to its ability to play well with big companies. Will that also cause its fall?Since missing on its fiscal fourth quarter ea...

    • Eli Lilly's patent problem

      Shelley DuBois 2010-08-24 01:54 發現相似文章

      In 2009, Eli Lilly CEO John Lechleiter introduced a new drug development strategy called the Development Center of Excellence. The center's mission is...

    • Apple’s curious PR problem

      財富中文網 2009-08-10 11:42 發現相似文章

      By Philip Elmer-DeWittThe tech press is buzzing this week with the news that a senior Apple (AAPL) vice president took the time to e-mail a blogger.Th...

    • The Problem with Palm's Pre

      財富中文網 2009-06-17 05:12 發現相似文章

      The handset rocks, but the wireless industry isn't so hot on adopting another mobile operating system.By Stephanie N. MehtaBy almost all measures the ...

    • Apple's little netbook problem

      財富中文網 2009-05-05 11:54 發現相似文章

      By Philip Elmer-DeWittPressure is mounting on Apple (AAPL) to do something about the netbook problem.IDC reported Friday that worldwide shipments of t...

    • Microsoft without Gates

      David Kirkpatrick 2009-03-19 01:54 發現相似文章

      來源:2008年6月號《財富》雜志The challenge isn't replacing Bill. That's already happened. Ballmer's big issues now: growth, Google, and those pesky Apple ads.作者:D...

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